Q If I am a USA Swimming Learn to Swim program, can members of USA S be mixed with lesson participants?

A If you are a swim lesson school that also has a USA Swimming team, the participants cannot mix. If you mix USA S members with non-members it can potentially void the USA Swimming Liability coverage.

Q Are my employees covered for injuries they sustain while at work?

A Employees are covered under your Liability coverage if they are included in a suit. However, they are not covered for injury under the Liability coverage. Workers Compensation must be purchased and legally required in all states but TX.

Q I lease my facility and/or pool to other entities, does my insurance apply?

A If you own your location and lease pool time to outside entities there should be a contract between you and lessor stating rules and required limits of liability. The Lessor of your facility should provide evidence of their own liability coverage. A Certificate of Insurance naming your business as Additional Insured should be provided to you before the use of your facility, this helps protect you from their liabilities.

Q Does the general liability policy cover my business when we are performing Lifeguard/CPR certifications?

A Professional Liability is included in your policy for Lifeguard/CPR certifications to the public at no additional cost.


Q Can I manage diving boards at our facility if I have purchased the Pool Management coverage?

A Pool Management is not available if there are diving boards and/or platforms in use.

Q Can I repair the facility pool equipment at my facility if I have Pool Management coverage?

A Pool Management does not cover you if you make repairs to equipment, this must be hired out.


Q If I purchase the optional Residential Instructor coverage for my lesson program, does it cover all my instructors?

A If you purchase Residential Instructor coverage, it is not interchangeable between employees. Coverage is purchased for each individual instructor. If a covered instructor leaves your employment you can replace them with a new instructor.


Q Does the excess accident coverage apply to employees?

A Employees that are injured at work while performing job related duties are covered under Workers Compensation. They are not covered under excess accident medical coverage. This coverage applies only to participants.


Q How do I handle allowing employees to drive their cars for my business?

A If you allow employees to drive for your business, example drive to the post office or store for supplies, you should request they provide you with a Motor Vehicle report, they should be able to obtain this free of cost. Any employee with a severe violation should not be driving for your business.